Tuesday, May 12, 2009

माँ दिवस क्यों ?

" दूरजाकर भी दूर जा न सके , हमें अफ़सोस की हम उन्हें भुला न सके
वो लाख कहें मैं दूर हूँ लेकिन हम उन्हें ख़ुद से जुदा पा न सके
कल्पनों की दुनिया में हम मानवीय पक्षी कभी ऐसी उड़न भरने को सोचते हैं जिसके न क्षितिज की सीमाओं का पता और न ही धरती का \ विज्ञानं के इस बदलते युग ने सही मायने में इन्सान के जीवन की हर चीज बदल दी है , लेकिन क्या इन बदलती परिस्थितयों ने रिश्तों को बदलने का बीरा उठाया है , हाँ शहरों में रहते हुए भाग दौड़ की जिन्दगी में ये शब्द कटु तो हो सकते है लेकिन यह हमारे जीवन का सत्य बनता जा रहा है क्योंकि आज हम माँ जैसी अमूल्य रिश्तों को याद करने के लिए एक दिन निर्धारित करते हैं , क्या हमारे पास वर्षों की खुशी में मात्र एक दिन रह जाते हैं जब हम अपनी माँ को याद रख सकें जिस माँ ने हमें नौ माह अपने गर्भ में अपनी खून से सीचा , लाख तकलीफों के बावजूद हमें जन्म दिया और ऊँगली पकड़कर चलना सिखाया क्या मात्र एक दिन की खुशी उनके कलेजे को ठंडक पहुँचा सकती है
बचपन में सुना था की अख़बारों मं पढ़े लिखे लोग अपनी बात लिखते हैं लेकिन अज पता चला की ये तो व्यवसाई बुन बैठे हैं , अख़बारों के जरिये माँ को याद करने और खुसरखने का तरीके परोसते हैं संस्कृत के शालोकों यह कह गया है की पुत्र कुपुत्र हो सकते हैं लेकिन माता कुमाता नही हो सकती जीवन की रफ्तार ने मानवीय संवेदनाओं को एक दिन में पिरोने की कोशिश की है लेकिन इस रफ्तार ने हमारी मानवीय भावनाओं को आहात किया है फिल्मों को हमारे समाज का आइना मन जाता है तभी तो दीवार जैसी फिल्मों के अभिभाषण " मेरे पास माँ है " अज भी लोगों की जुबान से कभी न कभी चिपक जाते हैं , सृष्टि की संरंचना में हम प्रकृति की इस अमूल्य देन को अलग नही कर सकते , विज्ञानं हमें टेस्ट ट्यूब बेबी और क्लोनिंग जैसे उपहारों से खुश करने की लाख कोशिश कर ले लेकिन माँ की ममता और उसकी गोद का प्यार नही दे सकती एक मानव होने के नाते हम्मे अगर सोचने की तनिक भी क्षमता शेष है तो दिवस के बंधन से मुक्त होकर माँ की ममता और उसके प्यार की खातिर इन बन्धनों में न बढें , यह हमारी मानवीय अपील है

Saturday, April 25, 2009


The world is watching us. Now there is something about being conscious of being watched that makes us feel vulnerable .people are asking the question , which is a good thing .” that is what democracy is” democracy is a win on the hopes of millions of poor Indians who believe in his many promises on jobs , social security and health care. Even the western countries are looking after us over the election and writing many articles on this .The dance of democracy is really attracting every one to think and gossip.
India is really an amazing country where different religion culture and civilization reveal the one story of unity in diversity ; in true sense we are the one who becomes the matter of talk when one reads the history and the glory of our past , but these days we are some how diverting form our path of this unity in diversity . The present situation of our country towards dance of democracy is a matter of talk amongst the entire group of people. It may be the youth brigade or the elders who are in the vortex of thinking to make the govt. of their own ; really this is a matter on which every citizen will have to think and implement in accordance with the think tank . The definition of Indian politics is getting complicated as the days are passing of this loksabha election . even it is said that India is a country of youths ; sixty two percent of the youth are the part of our population. The storm of ‘‘change’’ we can ’’ started from America and now storming soundly in our country also. when we take a glimpse in our history we find that politics was a very pious word to rule on country or the state but now a days we find that this is becoming the worst kind of weapon to give the definition of rule and regulation ; it has limited itself only to the words of lexicon which is worthless to lead the people of state and country but so called democracy is becoming the means of baking the bread for the politicians who only runs after the wealth , he\she has not to do anything with the people who select them to rule to place conjugal hearth and harmony amongst the people of different cast, creed and religion. people are today isolating themselves to take part in this great festive of democracy because either they had been cheated with the foul mouthed promises or they think that it is not necessary to cast the vote to select a person fair or unfair. Indian politics is certainly in one school of thought has spreaded its feet beyond the boundary of society and social status. now it is said that this democracy has turned in democracy where people are living the lives in fear and agony of being killed one day in a bomb attack or in massacre .The democracy in another school of thought is a work where there is need of implementation the hate speech or the words willn’t bring the change ; either he may be varun Gandhi or D. srinivasan they can get only the sympathy of a fix class or community but in Indian context this not good for the habitat of this country . who have firm believe on the selected person form their constituency , the term change comes in our democracy after the gape of five years which is a long span of time to ……. wait and do some changes . we are habituated to do criticism but never think that the wastage of our country will be removed only by the unwearied afford of the entire society .
The word democracy is complete in itself to reveal the meaning which suits the people of India but the situation towards the game of greed and the policy making is completely going astray which needs the complete person having the quality to lead .
Now we can’t find a leader in our country because the quality of leading in our leaders is decreasing day by day. There is need of catalyst which can really make the reaction fast : so the statement will not bring the change to bring the change every one will have to take step against the evils .
Our country is the admixture of policy and politics where the general human being is also going to be very sincere towards their duties and it was seen just after the attack of 26\11. It was really shameful but was a tough task for the politicians who proclaim themselves as the protector of the country. Democracy doesn’t allow the home minister to reach the spot in different costumes, it shows lack of awareness towards the society , state and the country . we are in the need of solution which can be only be achieved by changing the process of thinking towards democracy.

Friday, April 17, 2009


The word and the mean are the two different aspects of one term but there is always a contradiction between meaning and usage . it may be a word but in real sense it has a vast meaning and broad canvass which has lack of people to understand and the changing of this world as the global village has really change the meaning of this word which is completely perfect to know the past , present and the future of a country ,state, society and even a person. But the present situation of the country is diversed in the vortex of words, which is leaning lke a pendulum which is not staying for a minute to take a breath of relief this is going to be very devastating for the person who doesn’t understand the real meaning of this word . exactly it is said that the word and the meaning has too much contradiction but in the present situation of political storm even ideologies have even been left on the bank of thoughts and inspiration, people only try to prove oneself better than others , and it has only become possible with the help of words which has really no worth where the policy of capitalism is dominantly being provoked to understand the think tank of govt. or the policy makers.
Nothing can be gain said against this beautiful thinking of the human being in which they are even forgetting the principle and policies of the great one’s who have made possible for us to survive in this free country . what has become with the thinking and even it is said that a youth can bring the changing what has happened to this entire unity of youth who is completly mad after the race of wealth even forgetting their existence. Is this the youth of our country who wants to go to the foreign countries because they prefer a bulky amount of money to them, the future is asking a question to every one who believes that oneness is the policy to live the the lives.
Where is the principle of Gandhi jee who has given the country to make a” swarajya ” it is less or more only limited to the books of this great thinker and the complete communicator who in the year 1909 has provoked the non acceptable theory to make the country for peace and prosperity. He was thinking of the country in which every one will feel free ship , no one will feel we are in the country which was left by the English one. The changing with the changing of time is true but this changing in real sense has changed the humour and the glory , we are on the verge of demolition , there is the need of perfection for every person to develop not only the thinking but the process of thinking , which has gone biased.
We can’t define the pillar which strengthen the base of humanity and it’s deeds but this is the situation that only raising questions against this rude thinking of the people and the way of thinking . is it essential that the politics has a vast canvass to inlarge the ideology or a person of bone and skelton will once arose his voice to the community. Really when we want to give the definition of ideology we can say that this is a complete set which reveals the past present and future of a country . without ideology we can’t know that where we have to go or what is our destination, how can we stand long or what will be our recognition, so this is very essential to know that what is the worth of ideology and how it is going to give us benefit if we try to take a glimpse in our past we find that this was the rarest weapon to fight against the reign of foreigners. As we are finding that the canvass of this ideology is increasing day by day .
With the perception change can be brought but with the words the change for the society will be only like the dream of night which will never come true . the problems are many more but there is an essential need of solution which is short listing in the amount, even in proverbs it is said that “ it is better to lit a candle than to curse the darkness’’ but in every aspect of life implementation is very essential the one thing that is very essential is that how we can bring the change in the society ; only by the unweired affords such things are possible it is only mandatory or more or less thesaurus may be the matter of contradiction which is in vain . these days we should only focus on the things which can mend this problem either it may be called a short cut we must develop the tendency to do better even in the difficult situation the words can’t bring the change, to do changes we shall have to forward ourselves in the storm of this democratic stage which is full of selfish actors and actress who only try to bake their bread . solution is in the pregnancy stage which will take time to be a newly born baby as a youth of this country we can think for the betterment by activating ourselves in the sea of difficulties .

Friday, April 10, 2009


It is said that this entire owrld is the beautiful creation of God but today we find that this beautiful world has been black eyed by some one, wht has happened to this world is a question mark to every one either he may be the president or the primeminister of a country.He has to face probllem like the huge wall of china and will have to do every bit to get rid from this problem . as i think this is not a problem ; because a problem can be solved ...... but this is a problem which is not going to be solved any how ; the reason may be anything but there is need of solution for the sake of humanity bcause the innocence of humanity is going to be killed slowly and steadily. the narrow thinking fo human being is becoming the cause of the deaths of many more . this is really a worriable matter for the entire human being ; what would be the solution is not known but the proverb'' something is better than nothing'' is giving some amount of consolation to the people of swat valley or arabic countries. it is not the problem of one country every country is the part and partial of it either it may be the supr power america or the developing countries evey one is getting weaven in the threads of terror which has no short cut . really the mass is loosing the faith on their govt. or the king. the speech of Barrack obama and the affirmation of p. chidambram can't decrease the worriness of the people there is an essential need to do a work out which wil go in favour of the society . now the present situation fo india is revealing the true picture of demoncracy evey political leader only is provoking the vote bank policy or only tries to cheat the so called fool people of the country who coming in the vortex of cast, creed or religion select the peson for five years and they only make the foul mouthed speeches at the time of their needs, which will be never be true as the dreams of the night . we can take example of pakistan also where nothing is relevant on the name of govt, regular bomb attacks is a candid example of it even the atttack on the sri lankan cricketer has proved more or lees that ther is no need to worry about the democracy which is proving himself impotent . the entire world is in the grip of this worriable problem . it is said that'' it is better ti lit a candle than to curse the darkness '' now the time has come to lit a candle which will make fear in the mind of whom who are proving themselves the enemy of this beautiful creation of god , really whenever we think about the present situation only onething comes in our mind that is will the peace and prosperity be the part of this world again . the peril condition demands the conjugation of the entire society as one unit to tackle this henious problem .

Thursday, April 9, 2009


every one says that we are human being and we have a think tank , we can think better and do bettrer but this is only limited to the extent of saying . every thing is possible but how this possibilty will be brought to the earth where this human being are quarrreling to live a simple life or to survive. life is nothing but only the pool of contradiction where at every step we fight to take a breathe either we become the victor or we leave thae aspectation to live the life. as we are living the life in fear and igony and always think for changing, is it possible that the hate speech of varun or sri nivasan can bring a change? if yes there is no need to do struggle by being a politi cian we can preach the philosphy of changing the vote bank policy will enreach the status and it will be easy to make a reach to the mass with the help of spicy medium'' media,'' which now a days always live in search of this type of news . who is responsible for this demoncracy in our country , who will be blamed , or who is going to take response ............ there is no answer of this question if really this is really unanswered we rae really axing our feet. there is a need of solution which can be only occured when we really go in search of the solution . people in one school of thought is really in need of a canvass where they can do the painting of their needs it should be done in proper way when and where....... the marginal diffrence can do a lot for the entire society.
the other school of thought says that nothing is going to be the decision making every one will have to take step and to do something better for the entire society , one ideology can't bring the changing as we can't say that we can't live with the thought of Gandhi he is Even today relevant in this hectic and busy scheduled life we give the example of him to encourage the non violence, changing is not the work of a day it will come after a long span of time . but who will now lead the entire country as Gandhi and Nehru did in their lives, we talk about the youth and changing, the entire 65 % of the youth is after the money and are working in the call centre and BPO's what would be of the country which is of youth . in such a situation LEAD INDIA like programmes are doing an appreciable activity who can at least scatter a little amount of light on the mind of youth who are diverting from the path of destination . really we are following the foootstep of america in the run of techonology then we ca n also follow the policy of being a country of peace and prosperity nad it will only come when we will get rid of oneself ;;;;; "we the people of india " this policy will be really a pillar to make a building where we can reallly deliver the speech of peace and then the followers will surely be . these days we are doing only the thing which is in our favour but this the high time when we can think and will do better this moment comes only after the long gap of 5 years , so this is the perfect time and the perfect idea t o choose the who can really lead india not the one people , party , constituency, or the state . it is a matter of thinking people are free to think and to think much before doing a blunder which will cause the life of many innocent who have nothing to do with the religion cast or creed. the words only change their feelings and thinking so it is esential to prvoke the ideas and thinking to the real people to select a real people.


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