Thursday, July 1, 2010
" ये जूता है जापानी ........ न मेरा जूता जापानी था न ही चीन का लेकिन इसकी अहमियत अभाव और कशमकश भरी जिन्दगी में शायद कुछ ज्यादे हो गयी थी |मंदिरों और मस्जिदों में जूतों की चोरी या सहसा उसका गायब हो जान एक आम बात है , लेकिन अगर आपका घर भी खुद को सहज ना पाए तो हो सकता है आपको ज्यादे तकलीफ होगी |जीवन के अध्यात्मिक दौर की समाप्ति मेरे लिए काफी दुखद साबित हो रही है, लम्बे समय के बाद कल फुर्सत मिली तो सोचा कमरे में लगे मकडी के जालों से निजात पा लूं , क्या पता था कि ये साफ़ सफाई भी इतना महंगा पडेगा |
दिल्ली की चिलचिलाती धुप में जब नंगे पाऊं घूमने की बारी आई तो सहसा गरीब की गरीबी और अपना बेचारापन याद आ गया | इसे मेरी लापरवाही कहें या मन मौजीपन लेकिन नोइडा के मामूरा गाव में देर रात सोने और सुबह देर से जागने के शायद सबसे महंगी कीमत मैं चुका रहा हूँ| छः महीने के अंतराल के बाद एक जूता खरीदने का सौभाग्य प्राप्त हुआ था वो भी कल रात चोरी हो गयी |उसे सुबह खूब कोसा , गाली भी दी, लेकिन गुस्सा शांत हुआ तो सोचा कि शायद उसे मुझसे ज्यादे जरूरत थी इसकी इसलिए तो चुरा लिया !उसने मुझसे दस रुपये मांग लिए होते , या खाना मांग लिया होता, उसे क्या पता कि उसकी आदत मुझे इतना दुख दे जायेगी |
पिछले बार जब घर से आ रहा था तो दादा (पिता जी )ने पैर में एक टूटा चप्पल देखकर कहा "दिल्ली में ऐसे ही रहते हो और पांच सौ रुपये खर्च से अलग देकर जूता खरीदने को कहा था |उन्हें क्या पता कि पत्रकारिता जीवन में जूते घिसने के वजाई पैरों को घिसना पडेगा | कुछ दिनों पहले "ताज होटल" में हिन्दुस्तान टाइम्स के एक आयोजन "आई लव देल्ही माई दिल्ली माई गेम्स " में जब शीला दीक्षित , सुरेश कल्मांदी , और विजेंदर कुमार से रू बरू होना था तो दरबान ने मजाकिए लहजे में कहा कि आप पत्रकार हो लगता नहीं है, उसके इस मजाक पर उस समय तो उसे देखा कर हस दिया क्योंकि वहां से खबर लाने थी और मेरे लिए खबर अहम् थी न कि मै ने क्या पहन रखा है और कहाँ जा रहा हूँ !
वाकई दिल्ली के उतने बड़े होटल के कर्मचारी भी टाई और सूत बूट में होते हैं |मै ने सोचा था कि इस जूते के घिसते -घिसते कहीं न कही तो बैठने की जगह तो मिल ही जायेगी लेकिन भाग्य को शायद कुछ और ही मंजूर था | पहली बार किसी आलेख को उसके अधूरेपन में छोड़ रहा हूँ , जिसके लिए क्षमा प्रार्थी हूँ|
Friday, June 25, 2010
Honour killing is no Honour
The word “ Honour killing” is witnessing day by day not only in the country capital but also has grappeled the lanes of the villages. It is candid that love marriages might have gone up in the metros in our country but the reality remains different in the villages in many other states like Haryana and Jharkhand . The murder of Nirupma pathak in the month of May this year and now the murder of Monica Kuldeep and Shobha in a same incident in the country capital has raised the voice to strengthen the law .
“It is not a civil society, it is a brainwashed society and this is an unsocial Behavior
such killings happen in order to save the Honour of the caste, community or family. Caste still remains one of the most important factors governing the lives of many people in some parts of India.
Honour killing, where men or women are killed by their kin or other members of their caste, is still very rampant in many parts of the country But the question is: why this heinous crime is committed?Why Honour is becoming the matter of pride for the people who in the name of Honour kill their loving ones .
India's social system is based on a caste hierarchy but over the years people living in the cities have come out of the rigid caste framework. There has been an increase in the number of inter-caste marriages between couples in the cities. This may be called an unsocial behavior, where the narrow thinking of the people claim the lives. It is a brainwashed society If people are civilized and well educated why they are doing this crime.
The huge number of honour killings that sometimes go unrecorded happen because of inter-caste marriages. They revolve around issues such as runaway marriages or relationships between people of different castes. In many cases the groom or the bride has been killed for marrying someone from a lower caste.
In fact the government helps those above the age of eighteen in such matters. But somehow the laws never seem to reach the villages, and they continue to function on their own belief system. The problem in the villages is the strong presence of a panchayat or informal court that consists of members of the same caste and decides all matters relating to their community.
This informal 'court' passes judgement on issues of marital discord and land disputes, water disputes and so on. Many times, villagers give more importance to judgements passed by this self-appointed court than the judgements passed by the local legalcourt, often referred to as 'legal panchayat'.
Monday, June 21, 2010
why a day ?
"Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision” quoted- St. Augustine. The love of father and son is taking a turn in such a way that is isolating both the son and the Father .
Now the tradition has been changing , the dominance of English culture has changed the mind ,
attitude and the thinking of the new generation towards the sentiment, love and the dedication of a Father . Being a father is matter of pride but now a days the tradition of Second Inning house for a father is considered to be the right destination.
Various people tweeted on the social networking site twitter Sunday to show love for their Father.
“ Happy Father's Day to all dads. Spent mine with my twin sons in Hong Kong,surrounded by love &laughter”tweeted by Shashi Tharoor reveals the phrasal love of a Father to their kids .
The celebration of the day means a day for Father . It should be the entire year to love a Father why a day .every thing is changing with the changing of time but this relation and the commemoration of a day may hurt Father who devotes the entire life to make someone Father
Friday, May 28, 2010
नक्सली होने का दंभ !
वो बात कहाँ हैं इनमे अब ,जिस पर ये नक्सली होने का दंभ भरते हैं
इस प्रजातंत्र में भी देखो सरकार तो इनसे डरते हैं
वो बात कहाँ हैं इनमे अब ,जिस पर ये नक्सली होने का दंभ भरते हैं |
हिंसा का दामन थामे हैं ये हक़ की लड़ाई लड़ते हैं |
वो बात कहाँ हैं इनमे अब ,जिस पर ये नक्सली होने का दंभ भरते हैं ||
जज्बातों में उठी बन्दूक में ये प्रतिशोध की गोली भरते हैं |
वो बात कहाँ हैं इनमे अब ,जिस पर ये नक्सली होने का दंभ भरते हैं ||
अब आम लोग भी चौपालों पर इनकी रणनीती पर हसते हैं |
वो बात कहाँ हैं इनमे अब ,जिस पर ये नक्सली होने का दंभ भरते हैं ||
Thursday, May 20, 2010
This may be called the 1970's Bollywood route of taking the law in one's hand as we find that Maoists are diverting themselves from the path of their own ideology and working .The death of a Kanu Sanayaal is a candid example of it. If the emphasis of this exploration is on the Naxalite phenomenon it is not because other modes and forms of agitation are less important but only because the method of struggle chosen by Naxalite has brought the problem to a head .
In the latest incident , the primary target was probably the group of special police officers who were travelling on the roof of the bus. The bus full of civilian passengers witnessed the death of many innocent lives also.
This may be said that the direct harassment of poor through usurping their lands and forest rights is raising the ' worst called internal problem of the country as Naxalism ' in the words of our prime minister .The foul mouthed government's development reveals an another story of co relation of the development and the Naxalism can be segmented as followings .
High rate of SC or ST population
Low literacy;
High infant mortality
Low urbanization;
High forest cover ;
High share of agricultural Labour
Low per capita food grain production
Low road network penetration
Low Financial inclusion ;
High share of rural households without assets .
This is a development cum governance deficit
These are some of the problems which can be counted on the fingers but the problems which are really worsening the situation in those Naxal affected areas even witness the death of many lives who are innocent and has nothing to do either with the government or their policy for the eradication of Naxal or Naxalism .
As for the Maoist , they need to realise that this is not a war they can win .The government must act in sophisticated way to tackle with such a problem which is worsening day by day .Moderate attacks can never be the solution of this permanent problem .